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Pregnant Illegal Immigrant Cow Sentenced For Crossing EU Border

  • A pregnant runaway cow from Bulgaria which roamed into neighbouring Serbia, has been condemned to death because she crossed the EU border.

    Red cow Penka, due in around three months' time, wandered westwards away from its herd near the Bulgarian village of Kopilovtsi on May 12, straying over a border checkpoint into non-EU Serbia.
    But after it was returned to its owner, Ivan Haralampiev, by a farmer over the frontier, Penka will now be executed because she didn't have the proper paperwork - despite being given a clean bill of health by Serbian vets.

    The motives are that she had left the borders of the EU" and cannot be imported back into the European Union, Haralampiev told public BNT television Thursday as he pleaded for his cow to be saved.
    Officials told AFP Thursday that it was not in their powers to save Penka from the EU regulations. "It is not for us to decide. We are only implementing rules that come from Brussels," vet expert Lyubomir Lyubomirov told AFP.

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