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How to loose weight Easily With APPLE

Apples facilitate the digestion and contain many useful substances that encourage the work of the immune system, preventing the accumulation of fat in the liver and protect against cancer.
Apples contain vitamins A, B and C and organic acids such as apple, citric, formic and carbonic. Apples contain pectin, which affects the reduction of calories and the negative impact of carbohydrates. Pectin also regulates the intestinal flora. Research shows that 25 grams. apple pectin allows loss of 0.3 kg. body weight per day.
Based on these properties of apples, we compose diet, which you can lose weight very short time. During the diet should be avoided sugar and salt. Allowed to drink plain or mineral water, green tea and other herbal teas.
Apple diet
Day 1 – Apples – You can lose 1 to 2 kg
Breakfast: 3 small or 2 large apples mixed with a little lemon juice. You can add a handful of nuts.
Lunch: Salad with apples, onions and parsley.
3 large apples cut them into larger pieces, add 20 grams. finely chopped parsley and 30g. finely chopped fresh onions. From the top put a boiled egg, crushed to crumbs or grated.
Dinner: 3 medium size apples
Day 2 – Apples and rice – You can lose 1 to 1.5 kg
Breakfast: 1 cup of cooked rice without salt and 3 apples
Lunch: Apples and rice
You should to wash the apples, peel and cut into pieces. Pour with hot water and left to soften. Then add lemon juice and lemon peel. The rice is boiled separately. Then apples and rice mashed together to get a porridge bowl.
Dinner: boiled rice without salt
Day 3 – Apples and cheese – You can lose to 2 kg
Breakfast: 2 apples and half a cup of low-fat cottage cheese
Lunch: Cut apples into thin slices and soaked in water with lemon juice. Mix low-fat cheese with 2 teaspoons of honey and a few nuts, and add the apples.
Dinner: 50 grams. low-fat cow cheese
Day 4 – Apples and carrots – You can lose to 2 kg
Breakfast: 2 large carrots and 1 large apple. Grate, mix and eat together.
Lunch: Salad of carrots and apples
1 apple and 1 carrot wash, peel and cut into pieces, add a teaspoon of honey and a little lemon.
Dinner: 2 baked apples and 1 tablespoon honey
Day 5 – Carrots and beets – You can lose to 2 kilograms
Breakfast: 1 boiled carrots and 1 boiled beet
Lunch: 1 boiled egg and 1 boiled beets, from which makes a mess
Dinner: Carrots in unlimited quantities with the addition of sugar or honey
Day 6 – Apples – You can lose 1 to 2 kg
Same menu as the first day!
Day 7 – Apples and rice – You can lose 1 to 1.5 kg

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