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24yr Old Girl Bites Off Private Part Of An Officer WHo Tried To Rape Her

In self defense, woman bites off penis of fire officer who tried to rape.She  left the officer  ‘manhood-less’ after he allegedly tried to rape a wrong lady. 24 year old lady wasted no time in dealing with him by biting off his penis as self defense.Narrating her ordeal to Adom News’ Agya Wusu, the victim said she works with Mr. Eric Ansah Andor at the Techiman Fire Service in Techiman of the Brong Ahafo Region

According to her, she was at home one day when Mr Ansah came with his clothes to have them washed The victim said, after offering her boss water and while returning to the kitchen to start washing the clothes, Mr Andor dragged her from behind and started abusing her sexually

The lady said, she initially tried defending herself but the man threatened her and she was left with no option than to give in.
“I offered him water and in an attempt to enter my other room he grabbed me and wanted to romance me. I resisted initially and later he threatened me saying “he is the commander and so anything he wants he gets it” and because he said that I got scared he would do something bad to me.” “I decided to pretend to give in and told him I am ready and so he should do whatever he wants to do with me but after romancing with him for three minutes, I grabbed his penis and bit it hard, till it fell off.

The officers is in critical condition

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