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South Africa Police Clash WIth Students Over School Fees,33 Arrested

The students of the prestigious University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg have  been on   protests over government's plans to increase tuition fees.Following their revolts,the South African police swung into action,by firing stun grenades inorder to disperse the protesters.‎It said about 200 students in "roving groups are moving from campus to campus disrupting classes".
The University of Bloemfontein and the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in the coastal city of Port Elizabeth said they had closed campuses because of the protests.

The police have arrested about 31 students in Johannesburg, as a wave of protests hit universities across the country.
Students are demanding free education and denounced government plans to raise tuition fees by up to 8% in 2017.

Fees had been frozen last year after the biggest student protests since the end of apartheid in 1994.
The demonstrators say price increases discriminate against black students with low family incomes.

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