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10 Reasons Why It Is Dangerous To SHave Your Pubic Hair,Medical Expert Reveals

An Abuja-based medical expert, Dr Arikawe Adeolu, has issued a warning to people who love shaving off their pubic hair completely. The man has advised that it is safer to trim the hair rather than shaving it off completely as complete shaving can cause infection
According to the News Agency of Nigeria, Adeolu revealed on Tuesday that shaving or waxing of the hair around the pubic could cause cracks and expose the skin to bacterial infection
He added that the pubic hair served a major purpose of providing some level of cushioning for the individual, especially during sexual activity, preventing the skin from rubbing against another and causing abrasion

He explained that if the skin around the pubic region was completely shaved and the individual’s skin came into contact with another person’s skin, friction would be increased due to the skin to skin contact

He advised that individuals who were worried about the lack of hygiene due to untended pubic hair should consider trimming rather than complete shaving or waxing of the hair

1)When you completely shave the pubic hair, it re-grows in a slanted fashion with the tip sometimes growing into the pubic skin, which can crack open the skin

2)It is usually a small crack which cannot be seen with the naked eyes but due to this crack and loss of integrity of the skin at that level, there is increased risk of getting infection

3)Complete shaving can also cause boil to develop in that region. This is because when you shave, you cause some level of abrasion in the area which opens up the skin
4)These small openings cannot be seen with the eye but they are big enough for the micro organisms to get into the body

5)Also, because the pubic area is always moist, this serves as breeding ground for organisms like bacteria.

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