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Exclusive!Dangerous Foot Bridge Kills 3 School Children in Sierra Leone

A dangerous foot bridge across a popular river in the rural Makeni area where school children always cross to get to their school has left 3 dead and many kids injured. This was revealed by an eye witness who has revealed the predicament of the young school children. Her words via the Child Help page Sierra Leone page reads “I have been following up on comments on the accident in rural Makeni that led to 3 school children losing their lives when crossing the sticky bridge made by the community people themselves with pictures below. Don’t post issues of blaming people. We are looking out for solution. It is painful as we visited the sites today. The pictures below show a wooden stick bridge used by community children to cross over to attend schools in Makeni. According to the community people, many school children have fall victim especially during the raining season. Pictures below shows another accident that took place recently when crossing over and it should now be prevented. The community elders, school authorities and their people are requesting for the construction of such bridge to avoid more accidents. This has caused delayed schooling and more absenteeism from schools during the raining season. Interested compassionate supporters are welcome to visit the site and see the need for such project.
If you have any link in your network, please use that, to help save the lives of children and their community people. If we are going to meet the new SDG's, then this community should not be left BEHIND. Please pass on this information to everyone, to come together and have this bridge constructed. PLEASE TAKE ACTION TODAY TO GET THIS BRIDGE BE CONSTRUCTED!!! No One even in this community SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND!!! We should come together as brothers and sisters and do more and save more lives to build MAMA SALONE.

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