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Zimbabwean Mother Drags Her 26yr Old Son To Court For His Excessive Masturbation Habit

A worried mother has left nothing to chance as she has dragged her son to court over an obsessive habit that is about ruining his life

26 year old Taylor Karakadzai from Nkulumane suburb in Bulawayo of Zimbabwe not only masturbates but also leaves the toilet dirty with his sperms for his mother to clean

B-metro gathered that Gladys Ndlovu who got tired of cleaning the mess by her son has approached the courts for a protection order

She said  “I am applying for a protection order against my son who always locks himself in the toilet masturbating leaving it dirty with his sperms  all over. I’m tired of cleaning his dirt,” she said

It was gathered that the problem started a long time ago after the son spent a year and six months behind bars for initially beating her up. She told the magistrate that after spending time in jail he had become worse

She said  “But still (after jail release) his behaviour has not changed,” We use two rooms and he sleeps in the kitchen. If I try to wake him up he becomes angry and only wakes up around midday,” said Ndlovu

The presiding magistrate Stephen Ndlovu granted the order in favour of Ndlovu. Taylor did not dispute his mother’s claims.

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