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TONTO DIKEH Gets Latest Lexus Jeep LX 570 Gift From Her Husband,(photos)

Popular Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh has got another gift from her rich husband ,a 2017 Lexus LX 570 jeep.The actress and mother of 1 got the gift few minutes ago from her husband and made the announcement on her instagram.She wrote "I am indeed speechless by YOUR love for me..Everyday I APPLAUD MYSELF FOR MARRYING such an awesome husband as YOU...Thank u MY DEAREST husband for gifting me such a wonderful gift as dis cutie(LEXUS LX 570 2017).
May God bless and enrich u dearly for me,You SHALL KNOW NOT LACK.
Your Love has made me a better woman and I am grateful to God for letting our paths cross.I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
.The actress also recently got the latest iphone 7 rose gold colour from her husband barely a month ago.

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