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FLAVOUR's Baby Mama Anna Banner Gushes Over Her Pregnancy Scars * Stretch Marks*

Ex beauty queen and music star Flavour's baby mama recently took to her social media to gush over her pregnancy scars.She expressed her disgust over the manner some people look at women who have stretch marks resulting from pregnancy on their stomach and wrote "Most people see stretch marks as scary, irritating, disgusting and dirty! But guess what? All I see is Beauty! My beautiful baby grew, played, slept and ate in there. I miss rubbing my tummy just to feel her or make her move. These marks are beautiful reminders of pregnancy and motherhood.
Learn to love it if you have any! ❤
@bighstudios is one person that's super inlove with the artistic lines of stretch marks. It's amazingly satisfying for a man to love your stretch marks.#motherhood. The pretty Bayelsan had delivered a baby girl for te singer last year and the duo broke up recently over irreconciliable differences.see her post below

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