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''I Want To Marry A God-Fearing Man"Sexy Actress Ebube Nwagbo Reveals

Nollywood actress Ebube Nwagbo is sexy and very curvy.She is one of the few Nigerian actresses blessed with a killer figure.In the chat below ,she revals the stress she goes through to keep her killer figure.Speaking on why she has been off the scene for a while now "There is no particular reason for that.I have a lot of things I do now apart from acting.I have a full plate now.So I try to create time for my other businesses."
 Asides acting,what are the other things that keep you busy like your other  businesses?
I own a hair line,PosHHairByEb,I own a production company PoshWorld productions and my other company called Posh Enterprises
 What is your opinion about the current state of Nollywood?
.I believe we are growing.I never saw NollyWood coming this far..But we have survived despite the working conditions and the economy situation..We are still making great movies against all odds.We are growing and still getting there
 A lot of people are going into acting these days,does that pose a threat for the stars?
.It doesn't pose a threat to anyone.The Sky is big enough for everyone.Nollywood is big enough to accommodate everyone.You just have to know why you are here.Do you.Be yourself because that is what will stand you out from the crowd.If you are here for the wrong reasons,you will fizzle out just the way you came in
You have had your fair share of controversy as a celebrity,how did you cope with it?
.I have learnt to accept it as the downsides of what comes with my job.And it has made me a stronger person and more determined to succeed
 How do you feel whenever a negative story about you suffices online or print?
.I feel bad when i see such stories about me but I don't let it weigh me down

 At this stage of your career,how would you describe your ideal man/ husband?
A man that has respect for a woman and the fear of God in him
 How have been able to maintain your killer figure  and what are your beauty secrets?.
I try to eat right and do the right exercises for my body type so I don't loose my eat right and try to get a lot of rest because my job is quite stressful.Yes I exercise whenever I have the time to.Working out and eating right.

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