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Picture Of Baby Born With a rare condition that makes Him look Old

A Baby boy has been born with a rare condition making him look like an 80-year-old.
The birth of the infant stunned doctors at a hospital in the district of Magura, Bangladesh on Sunday, September 25, who said the baby has a rare condition called progeria.
The syndrome causes wrinkles on the face, a very sunken body and hollow eyes reminiscent of elderly features.
However, The parents of the baby are said to be jubilant with the birth of their "miracle" child.
Biswajit Patro, father of the baby, who is a farmer, is ecstatic and cannot hold back his happiness.He said  "We can only thank God," the father said. "There is no need to be unhappy about the appearance of my son. "We will accept him the way he is," the father added.
"We are so happy to have a baby boy in the house."

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